Friday, October 8, 2010

Octopus month

Hey, yo!
Back to the monthly post 'ere.
Though trials are over for most of the homo sapiens in my class but but but i still got one last subject to stick my butt on the wooden chair. :(
This whole two and a half week of exams had been a roller coaster. Sometimes, i feel very satisfied and sometimes its jush blehhhh..
I had a whole lots of things to post. Actually i had been planning in my head. But funny thing is i forgotten what i wanna post. -.-
I think one of it was my sister bought an Iphone 4! @#$%$%!
I want that dam phone badly. Oh well, its useless bugging my mum, i need to earn $ for myself once that big S is over. Then i'll buy myself the latest iphone. ( who knows they might have iphone 5 coming soon C: )
Then i shall show it to my sister. MUAHAHAHAHAHA.
Kk, stop dreaming.

Back to reality,
Yeah, form 5 is definitely not a year to sit back and relax. What's more the exam that shall determine our ( most people) future is getting nearer and nearer until i don't even dare to look at the thin calender. Life been quite stressful but it's okay, i'll get through it. Once the storm is over, it will be FREEDOM! Free from everything and start a new in a different place with new faces and of course new problems pfft. ( oh well i can only cross my fingers for the best)
And you have to agree with me, luck has a very prominent role in our life.

That's all i shall be blogging for now. Have a great octopus month people! C:

October is a symphony of permanence and change.
Bonaro W. Overstreet

Signing off,

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